OBRA `93 Changes in Medicaid Transfer of Asset Rules

Medicaid is the government program that pays for, among other things, long-term care for the elderly and the disabled. For millions of people who are disabled and poor, Medicaid pays for acute health care, dental care, respite services, rehabilitation therapies, assistive technology devices and other community-based services and supports. OBRA ‘93, which President Bill Clinton…

OBRA `93 Changes in Medicaid Transfer of Asset Rules Continue reading…

Creating a Real Home for a Family Member with a Disability: Top Ten Tips

Following are some important items to take into consideration when creating residential supports for family members with a disability 1. FUTURE OF GOVERNMENT RESOURCES There is no dispute that the current economic conditions facing the nation, the states and our local communities will continue. It is estimated that 45 states are expecting budget shortfalls in…

Creating a Real Home for a Family Member with a Disability: Top Ten Tips Continue reading…

Introduction to Social Security Benefits Available to Persons with Disabilities

If you are disabled and incapable of substantial gainful activity, you may be eligible for either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). Both of these programs pay money to persons who are disabled and incapable of substantial gainful activity (as of 2019 substantial gainful activity is defined as the ability to…

Introduction to Social Security Benefits Available to Persons with Disabilities Continue reading…